GraphML Schema Documentation

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GXL - an XML-based graph exchange format developed for software re-engineering.

GML - a widely used graph exchange format (non-XML).

XGMML - an XML-based file format for graphs based on GML.

SVG - an XML-based graphics format.

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GD 2010 - 18th Intl. Symp. Graph Drawing, 21-24 Sep 2010, Konstanz, Germany

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XML - home of the Extensible Markup Language at the World Wide Web Consortium.

The schema corresponding to this document defines the structural layer of the Graph Markup Language (GraphML). Although a DTD is provided, this schema is, together with its extensions and, the only normative reference.


The attribute groups <element_name>.extra.attrib may be used for adding user defined attributes to the elements <element_name>. The attribute group common.extra.attrib may be used for adding user defined attributes to all elements.

Complex type definitions for the GraphML structural layer elements: <data>, <default>, <key>, <graphml>, <graph>, <node>, <port>, <edge>, <hyperedge>, <endpoint> and <locator>. The names of the complex types are constructed corresponding to the pattern element_name.type. (The only remaining GraphML structural layer element <desc> is of simple type xs:string.)

Element: desc

Description: Provides human-readable descriptions for the GraphML element containing this <desc> as its first child. Occurence: <key>, <graphml>, <graph>, <node>, <port>, <edge>, <hyperedge>, and <endpoint>.

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Element: locator

Description: Graphs and nodes are declared by the elements <graph> and <node>, respectively. The optional <locator>-child of these elements point to their definition. (If there is no <locator>-child the graphs/nodes are defined by their content). Occurence: <graph>, and <node>.

Type: locator.type

Complex type for the <locator> element. Content type: (empty)

xlink:href (required)
points to the resource of this locator.
type of the hyperlink (fixed as simple).
user defined extra attributes for <locator> elements.
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Element: data

Description: In GraphML there may be data-functions attached to graphs, nodes, ports, edges, hyperedges and endpoint and to the whole collection of graphs described by the content of <graphml>. These functions are declared by <key> elements (children of <graphml>) and defined by <data> elements. Occurence: <graphml>, <graph>, <node>, <port>, <edge>, <hyperedge>, and <endpoint>.

Type: data.type

Complex type for the <data> element. data.type is mixed, that is, <data> may contain #PCDATA. Content type: extension of data-extension.type which is empty per default.

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <data> element.
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Element: key

Description: In GraphML there may be data-functions attached to graphs, nodes, ports, edges, hyperedges and endpoint and to the whole collection of graphs described by the content of <graphml>. These functions are declared by <key> elements (children of <graphml>) and defined by <data> elements. Occurence: <graphml>.

Type: key.type

Complex type for the <key> element.

id (required) of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this <key>.
for of type key.for.type
describes the domain of definition for the corresponding graph attribute.
Type: key.for.type

Simple type for the for attribute of <key>. key.for.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN Allowed values: all, graph, node, edge, hyperedge, port and endpoint.

user defined extra attributes for <key> elements.

desc?, default?

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Element: default

Description: In GraphML there may be data-functions attached to graphs, nodes, ports, edges, hyperedges and endpoint and to the whole collection of graphs described by the content of <graphml>. These functions are declared by <key> elements (children of <graphml>) and defined by <data> elements. The (optional) <default> child of <key> gives the default value for the corresponding function. Occurence: <key>.

Type: default.type

Complex type for the <default> element. default.type is mixed, that is, data may contain #PCDATA. Content type: extension of data-extension.type which is empty per default.

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Element: graphml

Description: <graphml> is the root element of each GraphML document. Occurence: root.

Type: graphml.type

Complex type for the <graphml> element.

user defined extra attributes for <graphml> elements.

desc?, key*, ( graph | data )*

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <graphml> element.
Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of each <key> element in this document.
Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of each <graph> element in this document.
Ensures: for the key attribute of each <data> in this document, the existence of an id attribute of <key> which matches the value of it.
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Element: graph

Description: Describes one graph in this document. Occurence: <graphml>, <node>, <edge>, <hyperedge>.

Type: graph.type

Complex type for the <graph> element.

id of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this graph .
edgedefault (required) of type graph.edgedefault.type
describes whether edges of this graph are considered as directed or undirected per default (unless specified by the attribute directed of <edge>).
Type: graph.edgedefault.type

Simple type for the edgedefault attribute of <graph>. graph.edgedefault.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN Allowed values: directed, undirected.

user defined extra attributes for <graph> elements.

desc?, ( ( data | node | edge | hyperedge )* | locator )

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <graph> element.
Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the id attributes of each <node> element in this graph.
Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of each <edge> element in this graph.
Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of each <hyperedge> element in this graph.
Ensures: uniqueness of the id attributes of each <endpoint> element in this graph.
Ensures: for the source attribute of each <edge> in this graph, the existence of an id attribute of <node> which matches the value of it.
Ensures: for the target attribute of each <edge> in this graph, the existence of an id attribute of <node> which matches the value of it.
Ensures: for the node attribute of each <endpoint> in this graph, the existence of an id attribute of <node> which matches the value of it.
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Element: node

Description: Describes one node in the <graph> containing this <node>. Occurence: <graph>.

Type: node.type

Complex type for the <node> element.

id (required) of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this node.
user defined extra attributes for <node elements.

desc?, ( ( data | port )*, graph? | locator )

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: existence and uniqueness of the name attributes of each <port> element within this <node>.
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <node> element.
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Element: port

Description: Nodes may be structured by ports; thus edges are not only attached to a node but to a certain port in this node. Occurence: <node>, <port>.

Type: port.type

Complex type for the <port> element.

name (required) of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this port, within the node it is contained in.
user defined extra attributes for <port> elements.

desc?, ( data | port )*

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <port> element.
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Element: edge

Description: Describes an edge in the <graph> which contains this <edge>. Occurence: <graph>.

Type: edge.type

Complex type for the <edge> element.

id of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this edge .
directed of type xs:boolean
overwrites the edgedefault attribute of <graph> .
source (required) of type xs:NMTOKEN
points to the id attribute of the source <node>.
target (required) of type xs:NMTOKEN
points to the id attribute of the target <node>.
sourceport of type xs:NMTOKEN
points to the name attribute of the source <port>.
targetport of type xs:NMTOKEN
points to the name attribute of the target <port>.
user defined extra attributes for <edge> elements.

desc?, data*, graph?

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <edge> element.
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Element: hyperedge

Description: While edges describe relations between two nodes, a hyperedge describes a relation between an arbitrary number of nodes. Occurence: <graph>.

Type: hyperedge.type

Complex type for the <hyperedge> element.

id of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this <hyperedge> .
user defined extra attributes for <hyperedge> elements.

desc?, ( data | endpoint )*, graph?

Identity Constraint Definitions:
Ensures: uniqueness of the key attributes of <data> children of this <hyperedge> element.
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Element: endpoint

Description: The list of <endpoints> within a hyperedge points to the nodes contained in this hyperedge. Occurence: <hyperedge>.

Type: endpoint.type

Complex type for the <endpoint> element.

id of type xs:NMTOKEN
identifies this <endpoint> .
port of type xs:NMTOKEN
points to the name of the port, to which this endpoint is connected .
node (required) of type xs:NMTOKEN
points to the id of the node, to which this endpoint is connected.
type of type endpoint.type.type
defines the direction on this endpoint (undirected per default).
Type: endpoint.type.type

Simple type for the type attribute of <endpoint>. endpoint.type.type is a restriction of xs:NMTOKEN Allowed values: in, out, undir.

user defined extra attributes for <endpoint> elements.


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05 April 2007
Licensing status clarified: GraphML is free for everyone.
22 February 2007
GraphML 1.0 schema inclusion altered to avoid problems with some parsers.
03 August 2004
LEDA extension package for GraphML (release candidate).
01 June 2004
GraphML Primer released.
18 March 2003
XML Schema specification and documentation available for GraphML 1.0rc (release candidate)
23 July 2002
GraphML presentation at the annual meeting of DFG Research Priority 1126 Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks. (ps, pdf)
28 June 2002
yFiles extension package for GraphML version 1.0 released.
22 May 2002
Release candidates for extensions graphml-attributes (for data attributes) and graphml-parseinfo (for lightweight parsers) completed. See current specification.
12 March 2002
GraphML proposed as the standard format for the network data archive to be created within EU FET Open Project COSIN.

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Last update: Monday, 18-Feb-2019 15:41:00 CET